Jumat, 30 November 2018

Argo 2012 Película Completa en Español

Argo 2012 Película Completa en Español

Argo 2012 Película Completa en Español- película -DVDScr-HDRip- Google Play - de -año- película de ganzer .jpg

Argo 2012 Película Completa en Español

Equipo De Filmación

Coordinación Departamento de arte:
Jardine Cloris

Coordinador de acrobacias:
Melvil Mujibur

Diseño de guión:
Elwood Karson

Imágenes : Allana Tanguy
Co-Produzent : Tristan Dionna

Productor ejecutivo : Gethyn Staël

Director de arte supervisor:
Emer Wilber

Produce|Producir : Bentzen Alexane

Fabricante: Eliott Kezzia

Actriz : Javarni Leha


Título de la película

Argo 2012 Película Completa en Español


151 minuto



objetos de valor

Sonics-DDP 1440p


Drama, Thriller


English, فارسی

nombre de reparto

Japman, Vistalux InternationalZania Q. Wood, Wotling M. Girard

[HD] Argo 2012 Película Completa en Español

Nowhere near best picture worthy, but truly excellent suspense building. The 2 hours certainly fly by with this one. Alan Arkin is a joy to watch.
I think there really is no other way to say this and please excuse my english. Argo f@#$% yourself (in a good way!). Watch it and you will understand. Solid member of my 'so worth it' category.
Surprisingly winner of the Oscar award for the best movie.

It is a reasonably well done picture but nothing that interesting nor well threaded that the story telling would be worth mentioning. Actually, probably the contrary.

The cast is quite good in any case.
grave doubts about the operation themselves.

This is a good movie although the context of the movie is a rather sad one. It is definitely not my favorite genre but my wife wanted to watch it and it had received generally favorable ratings so I added it to my collection.

The historical accuracy of this movie has been questioned. I honestly do not remember any details of the events of this sad episode in Middle East history so I cannot really judge this. As far as I know the general plot is consistent with reality and in this movie it is good enough for me. I fear that, if they would have made it 100% historically accurate, the movie would have turned into a rather boring documentary instead of a fairly enjoyable drama movie.

Surprisingly enough the movie was quite funny at times. The dialogue between the movie-people when they were setting up the fake movie was sometimes quite hilarious. Some parts of the movie was rather tragic of course, like the Iranian mob taking over the embassy and the crazed idiots at the bazar.

Other parts where a bit silly. Why did the Iranian security have to break down their own doors at the airport instead of just calling the tower and stop the plane for instance? And the cars chasing the plane was just rubbish. The plane would have gone much faster than the cars could go long before they caught up with the plane. Also the fact that the cars basically had to panic-break in order not to hit the barrier at the end of the runway meant the plane almost ran into the barrier which, given that it made a normal take-off, is just nonsense.

In general it is a good movie although it is not really my type of movie and the movie’s context, the take-over by the Iranian extremists, is a rather sad one.
As the Iranian revolution reaches a boiling point, a CIA 'exfiltration' specialist concocts a risky plan to free six Americans who have found shelter at the home of the Canadian ambassador.

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فاروق الفيشاوي ويكيبيديا ~ الحياة المبكرة والمسيرة ولد بإحدى قرى مركز سرس الليان بمحافظة المنوفية في يوم 5 فبراير عام 1952، لأسرة ميسورة الحال لديها خمسة أولاد ثلاثة أبناء وابنتين، كان فاروق أصغرهم وقد توفي والده عندما كان في الحادية عشرة من

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قائمة مناطق الكويت ويكيبيديا ~ الدسمة الدعية المنصورية ضاحية عبد الله السالم النزهة الفيحاء الشامية الروضة العديلية الخالدية القادسية قرطبة السرة اليرموك الشويخ الري غرناطة الصليبيخات والدوحة النهضة مدينة جابر الأحمد القيروان شمال غرب

قطر ويكيبيديا ~ قَطَر أو رسمياً دولة قطر، هي دولة عربية تقع في شرق شبه الجزيرة العربية في جنوب غرب آسيا مطلة على الخليج العربي وعاصمتها الدوحةلها حدود برية مشتركة من الجنوب مع المملكة العربية السعودية وبحرية مع دولة الإمارات

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